
neocities profile

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currently watching:
mob psycho 100, undead murder girl farce
currently reading:
chainsaw man, mob psycho 100, tokyo revengers

currently listening:
shuffling! oingo boingo, city pop!

sep.12.23 took off floating images, added a new overlay setup next to the tv. ALSO centered everything so that itll always be centered on all views. HOORAY
sep.9.23 changed site background AGAIN YEAH IK, changed the floating images. screwed with positioning, which i then had to adjust stuff after removing those edits
sep.8.23 changed some backgrounds on some divs ^_^ i think the darker pink has a nicer contrast than the plaid...changed site background (again!!) and added some dancing cousins that scroll with the viewer.
sep.7.23 shifted the tv over to the left a little bit. added two webrings, and shifted around the index tab a little bit (rearranged some things + put placeholder site button+friends site there!)
sep.4.23 added some stamps to frame the tv, joined(?) a webring to put on my index page. also, edited current wip status homepage.
sep.3.23 shortened frontpage main text area. added tv, put on a show, added stickers to tv. removed an image, and started editing index bar under webring.
aug.30.23 changed page background + some other pictures.
aug.27.23 changed music and how music plays and moved the marquee witht music title; changed webring character/title, added a couple images, moved a couple things around.
aug.22.23 added visitor counter. rearranged a couple things
aug.20.23 moved some images to the index bar, set up the whats new tab. added a poll tab, re-added the webring tab. added plaid backdrops to several boxes and changed font colour!
aug.18.23 working on rearranging some stuff.
aug.17.23 moved some images
aug.4.23 minor layout changes for index bar.
aug.3.23 changed layout of left bar/index bar again (w). took webring out to put on the about page. moved changelog to the index bar, changed text colour of text on the index bar. changed scrollbars to be thinner ^_^.
aug.2.23 changed layout of left bar a little bit. added some berries..pondered the html...
july.24.23 adjusted layout of left boxes w navigation + webring, also added currently reading, watching, and listening tab. added playlist. shifted layout just a bit in order to make the navigation its own separate tab area. gave colour/texture to main divs.
july.22.23 changed homepage bg again and again...added imood. swapped to centered layout OTL was agonizing. fixed page height issues. added box under webring
july.21.23 changed homepage background several times, changed highlight colours and scrollbar colours. changed the welcome anitext
july.20.23 changed 404 page, started abt page. added pokemon under selfship webring and added a the welcome animated text. changed site background also. changed text +imgs ong abt page
july.19.23 separated directory and stamps/buttons into separate box, added pink around the audio and directory. added code to make links change colour. added 404 page for missing links. changed layout A LOT, changed cursor+flowerfall amnt + made site button!! joined selfship webring, added that.
jul.18.23 added cursor trail+flower fall (shoutout to the VERY talented people who made that javascript), changed cursor, edited text, added images + changed changelog/link setup. added buttons+stamps+directory
jul.17.23. additions to new page (text, imgs, status, changelog, music, guestbook link)
jul.16.23. properly started this page (setup div, added font)



The current mood of ginkgophyta at www.imood.com

dark mode or light mode?
pollcode.com free polls

welcome to gingkophyta dot neocities dot org;
this is my corner of the net named gingko's forest.
ginkgo's forest is named for the ginkgo biloba tree.
its a tree native to asia and one of the oldest types of trees on earth. the ginkgo trees we have today are the last living species in their family.
ginkgo trees are known for their unique leaves, and the yellow colour they turn during autumn. they are also known for being stinky.

ginkgo's forest has been an ongoing project since january of 2023. it has since gone through several iterations.
my code is almost entirely self taught, so this page will not be perfect, just as none of my others have been. i'm a total amateur and hobbyist, and mostly do this for fun.

i hope you can enjoy your visit to ginkgo's forest, even if it is not perfect. although i have changed my mind some times on how i thought my page should look, i think i might be happy with this sort of page for awhile. i want to make a page that can be somewhat of a relaxed outlet for me, and i want to make a page that i can enjoy visiting even later. a lot of really talented people are on neocities!! its almost overwhelming sometimes looking at other peoples sites, but super inspirational!! i see a lot of cool pages, so i hope mine can be cool too.

| currently playing Katamari Nah-Nah (Nananan Katamari) | by Yuu Miyake | for the Katamari Damacy OST |